It is a unique event, bringing together the world’s leading experts in the science of happiness, as well as activists, philosophers, psychologists and personalities from different disciplines, cultures, and generations.
It is an inclusive event, which integrates international associations, working groups, government organizations and NGOs who have spent years defining and studying the levers of happiness, for individuals and organizations, societies and nations.
It is an event created to feel. Besides helping to satisfy intellectual curiosity about what is and is not happiness, the World Happiness Fest creates extraordinary sensorial experiences. All five senses will be activated; taste, sight, hearing, smell, and touch are part of the perception of reality.
It is a transcendental event. Mindfulness and spirituality are part of the experience. Meditation, introspection, yoga, proactive listening, they are all the source and basis of the interpretation of reality.
It is an event that prepares you for action. Perceiving and interpreting reality will make you ready to step forward, to decide how to contribute to social and personal development.
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